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New Patients at Thrive Point Chiropractic

Welcome to our practice! We’re excited to work with you and your family to improve your health and wellness and help you thrive! We value your time; our goal is to keep both onboarding appointments around 30 minutes each. If you have any recent imagings or results relevant to your issue, please bring them to your initial appointment.

Women sitting in a waiting room

When you arrive, our front desk staff will give you a warm greeting. They will give you our intake forms and medical history to complete. Once that’s done, we bring you back to an exam room to watch a short video introducing our practice and what to expect on this visit. Dr. G comes in, introduces herself, and does an in-depth consult about the issue that brought you in today and any contributing factors. Next is the physical exam, muscle testing, range of motion, and orthopedic tests. If X-rays are warranted, they’ll be done at this time. After reviewing the results, Dr. G may do some light therapy before adjusting the area of complaint, unless otherwise indicated.

Your second appointment is scheduled as soon as possible, preferably the following day. Dr. G goes over the exam findings with you, including X-rays if applicable. She discusses what she found, how we plan to work on it, and how long it will take. You’ll receive your care plan, and if you decide to proceed with therapy, our staff will set up your appointments according to the plan.


Financial Responsibility

During the report of findings, Dr. G will discuss the financial benefits of your insurance and what, if any, your responsibility will be. If not using insurance, we’ll discuss the cash-based service process and set up a payment plan.

Giving Back

At Thrive Point Chiropractic, as part of our commitment to give back to our community, half of each new patient fee will be donated to a charity of our choice.

Ready to Book?

We’re ready to help relieve your pain and get you back to doing the activities you love. Book your visit today!

New Patients at Thrive Point Chiropractic | (870) 269-8412